Flight simulation : virtual environments in aviation / Alfred T. Lee

สำนักพิมพ์ : -
หมวดหมู่ : 600-เทคโนโลยี
หัวข้อเรื่อง : Air pilots -- Training of
จำนวนหน้า : -
บาร์โค้ด เลขเรียกหนังสือ ชื่อเรื่อง สถานะ
62220215 629.13252 L477F 2016 Flight simulation : virtual environments in aviation / Alfred T. Lee อยู่บนชั้นวางหนังสือ  เข้าสู่ระบบ 
62312995 629.13252 L477F 2016 c.3 Flight simulation : virtual environments in aviation / Alfred T. Lee อยู่บนชั้นวางหนังสือ  เข้าสู่ระบบ 
62376019 629.13252 L477F 2016 c.8 Flight simulation : virtual environments in aviation / Alfred T. Lee อยู่บนชั้นวางหนังสือ  เข้าสู่ระบบ 
62383949 629.13252 L477F 2016 c.9 Flight simulation : virtual environments in aviation / Alfred T. Lee อยู่บนชั้นวางหนังสือ  เข้าสู่ระบบ 
62475126 629.13252 L477F 2016 c.2 Flight simulation : virtual environments in aviation / Alfred T. Lee อยู่บนชั้นวางหนังสือ  เข้าสู่ระบบ 
62506383 629.13252 L477F 2016 c.6 Flight simulation : virtual environments in aviation / Alfred T. Lee อยู่บนชั้นวางหนังสือ  เข้าสู่ระบบ 
62680465 629.13252 L477F 2016 c.7 Flight simulation : virtual environments in aviation / Alfred T. Lee อยู่บนชั้นวางหนังสือ  เข้าสู่ระบบ 
62697899 629.13252 L477F 2016 c.10 Flight simulation : virtual environments in aviation / Alfred T. Lee อยู่บนชั้นวางหนังสือ  เข้าสู่ระบบ 
62700963 629.13252 L477F 2016 c.4 Flight simulation : virtual environments in aviation / Alfred T. Lee อยู่บนชั้นวางหนังสือ  เข้าสู่ระบบ 
62994729 629.13252 L477F 2016 c.5 Flight simulation : virtual environments in aviation / Alfred T. Lee อยู่บนชั้นวางหนังสือ  เข้าสู่ระบบ 
Advances in computer, visual display, motion and force cueing and other technologies in the past two decades have had a dramatic effect on the design and use of simulation technology in aviation and other fields. The effective use of technology in training, safety investigation, engineering and scientific research requires an understanding of its capabilities and limitations. As the technology has as its primary goal the creation of virtual environments for human users, knowledge of human sensory, perceptual, and cognitive functioning is also needed. This book provides a review and analysis of the relevant engineering and science supporting the design and use of advanced flight simulation technologies. It includes chapters reviewing key simulation areas such as visual scene, motion, and sound simulation and a chapter analyzing the role of recreating the pilot's task environment in the overall effectiveness of simulators. The design and use of flight simulation are addressed in chapters on the effectiveness of flight simulators in training and on the role of physical and psychological fidelity in simulator design. The problems inherent in the ground-based simulation of flight are also reviewed as are promising developments in flight simulation technology and the important role flight simulators play in advanced aviation research. The readership includes: flight simulation engineers and designers, human factors researchers and practitioners, aviation safety investigators, flight training management and instructors, training and instructional technologists, virtual environment design community, and regulatory authorities

MARC Information

020 a : ISBN 
040 a : Cataloging Source 
Civil Aviation Training Center Library 
041 a : Language 
082 a : DC Call Number 
082 b : DC Call Number 
082 c : DC Call Number 
245 a : Title 
Flight simulation : virtual environments in aviation / Alfred T. Lee 
260 a : Place of publication 
New York : Routledge 
260 c : Year of publication 
650 a : Subject 
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