Introduction and basic concepts -- Energy, energy transfer, and general energy analysis -- Properties of pure substances -- Energy analysis of closed systems -- Mass and energy analysis of control volumes -- The second law of thermodynamics -- Entropy -- Exergy -- Gas powers cycles -- Vapor and combined power cycles -- Refrigeration cycles -- Thermodynamic property relations -- Gas mixtures -- Gas-vapor mixtures and air-conditioning -- Chemical reactions -- Chemical and phase equilibrium -- Compressible flow -- Renewable energy -- Appendix 1: Property tables and charts (SI units) -- Appendix 2: Property tables and charts (English units)
MARC Information
020 a : ISBN
040 a : Cataloging Source
Civil Aviation Training Center Library
041 a : Language
082 a : DC Call Number
082 b : DC Call Number
082 c : DC Call Number
245 a : Title
Thermodynamics : an engineering approach / Yunus A. Çengel, Michael A. Boles, and Mehmet Kanoğlu
MARC Information