PART I: INTRODUCTION -- A Review of Phasor Diagrams -- Three-Phase Circuits -- The Magnetic Aspects -- Transformers -- Principles of Electromechanical Energy Conversion -- Machine Windings -- PART II: STEADY-SATE THEORY AND PERFORMANCE -- Induction Machines -- Synchronous Machines -- Direct-Current Machines -- PART III: TRANSIENTS AND DYNAMICS -- Transients and Dynamics of AC Machines -- Direct-Current Machine Dynamics -- Power Semiconductor-Controlled Drives
MARC Information
020 a : ISBN
040 a : Cataloging Source
Civil Aviation Training Center Library
082 a : DC Call Number 1
082 b : DC Call Number 2
082 c : DC Call Number 3
245 a : Title
Electric machines / Mulukutla S. Sarma, Mukesh K. Pathak
MARC Information