Supply chain and logistics management made easy : methods and applications for planning, operations, integration, control and improvement, and network design / Paul A. Myerson

สำนักพิมพ์ : -
หมวดหมู่ : 600-เทคโนโลยี
หัวข้อเรื่อง : Physical distribution of goods
จำนวนหน้า : -
บาร์โค้ด เลขเรียกหนังสือ ชื่อเรื่อง สถานะ
62019343 658.5 M996S 2015 Supply chain and logistics management made easy : methods and applications for planning, operations, integration, control and improvement, and network design / Paul A. Myerson อยู่บนชั้นวางหนังสือ  เข้าสู่ระบบ 
pt. I Supply Chain and Logistics Management: Overview -- pt. II Planning for the Supply Chain -- pt. III Supply Chain Operations -- pt. IV Supply Chain Integration and Collaboration -- pt. V Supply Chain and Logistics Network Design -- pt. VI Supply Chain and Logistics Measurement, Control, and Improvement

MARC Information

020 a : ISBN 
040 a : Cataloging Source 
Civil Aviation Training Center Library 
041 a : Language 
082 a : DC Call Number 
082 b : DC Call Number 
082 c : DC Call Number 
245 a : Title 
Supply chain and logistics management made easy : methods and applications for planning, operations, integration, control and improvement, and network design / Paul A. Myerson 
246 a : Title Statement 
Methods and applications for planning, operations, integration, control and improvement, and network design 
260 a : Place of publication 
New Jersey : Pearson Education, Inc. 
260 c : Year of publication 
650 a : Subject 
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